Increase the Security of Your Vital Infrastructure

  • Recognize invisible patterns
  • Measure traffic flows on site
  • Increase Situational Awareness

  • Detect hard-to-see intruders
  • Receive real-time early warnings
  • Discover overlooked irregularities

Preventive Detection of Physical Threats.

Protection of staff, visitors, property and assets.

Receive real-time early warnings before and while unknown, unauthorized, or illegal intruders enter your property.

Providing you the ability to recognize and identify what is moving towards, around and inside your property.

Avoid overlooking intruders due to camera blind spots, vegitation, great distances or buildings in the line of sight.

X•Alert prevents intruders from getting too close without you knowing it.

Enhance Your 360° Situational Awareness

Reduce Costs. Increase Security. Identify Intrusions. Proactive Protection.

Extra Pair of Eyes
in an Invisible World

Discover traffic flows, congestions, and actual movements on your property and at the same time gather factual intelligence.

Create real-time visibility to automate emergency alerts and actions to identify, prevent, and respond to threats to the safety of your staff, property visitors, and vehicles.

Minimize or even eliminate manual asset search times in confined environments.

Reduce information loss, lower operational costs and improve flexibility and efficiency. 

X•Alert increases the security of your physical vital infrastructure. By seeing more.

Beyond Security + Safety

Developed for operators; to make faster, more proactive and better decisions anytime, anywhere, in any situation. Operating in the invisible Passive + Hybrid RF (Radio Frequency) Spectrum.

Enabling your operators to recognize in real time what is moving towards, around and within the property. Receiving automatic warnings on both displays and mobile devices.

Increased Property Security + Situational Awareness

With X•Alert, you are more aware of what is happening ‘unseen / overlooked’ within and around the premises.

Better Awareness, in every Situation.

  • Minimize the information loss due to security camera blind spots
  • Increase your 360 ° + 24×7 protecton in and around the property
  • Maximize the prevention of intrusions, attacks, or other threats

Minimizing False Alarms + Increasing Security

While minimizing false positives / alarms.

Increase 360 ° Situational Awareness with X•Alert, in any situation and environment. With the use of RF Technology X•Alert provides you the capability to transform the invisible into visible.

Contact us to learn more how X•Alert
can help your organization.

Schedule a Demo

Learn what X•Alert can do for your organization,
industrial or vital infrastructure.