Minimize the costs of
Drive Offs & Inventory Theft

Safeguard your filling stations against the continuously growing challenge of Drive Offs / Gas and Dash.

Petrol & Gas Stations
Fuel Theft Prevention

Receive early warnings automatically when ORC and repeat offenders arrive at your filling station.

Preemptively detect whether a vehicle is a drive-off suspect before it reaches the fuel pump, enabling till desk employees to act proactively.

With X•Warning, you prevent a drive-off suspect from leaving without being noticed or making payment.

Automated Preventive Early Warnings

Upon reporting a drive-off incident at one filling station, all linked filling stations receive automatic alerts when the same potential drive-off suspect enters the premises.
As a result, only one drive-off incident report is required to proactively protect all fueling stations, even if the suspect has not yet been observed at other filling stations.

Petrol & Gas Stations Theft Prevention

Automatic distribution of preemptive alerts and reports to all your interconnected filling stations.

X•Warning technology recognizes potential drive-off suspects based on visible and invisible (wireless) attributes. Even with changes to license plates or vehicles, X•Warning retains the capability to recognize a potential drive-off.

For organizations overseeing multiple filling stations, the dashboard provides the option to link them. All reports are automatically distributed among all bound filling stations.

X•Warning ensures the fully automatic sharing of incident reports among your interconnected filling stations. 

Defense Mechanism for License Plate Changes

ORC rings often utilize different vehicles or modify license plates, and X•Warning technology has the ability to recognize these changed vehicles.
X•Warning is equipped with a unique intelligent detection technology that enables it to identify whether a vehicle has changed its license plate.

To gain further insights into this defense mechanism, contact us for a live demonstration ►

Petrol / Gas Station – Drive Off Protection
starts with X•Warning

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